Connecting to d4i Configuration
Once all of the configuration steps are completed and the client certificate has been imported into your browser, Launch the windows power shell, go to File <installocation>\ , then run the powershell script .\start-trex.ps1.
If the file <installocation>\start-trex.ps1 cannot be loaded, then the file <installocation>\start-trex.ps1 is not digitally signed. And you cannot run this script on the current system. You will need to change the Execution policy to run these PowerShell scripts.
To display the execution policies for each scope in the order of precedence, use "Get-ExecutionPolicy -List". To see the effective execution policy for your PowerShell session, use "Get-ExecutionPolicy" with no parameters.
The effective execution policy is determined by order of precedence as follows:
- MachinePolicy: Set by a Group Policy for all users of the computer.
- UserPolicy: Set by a Group Policy for the current user of the computer.
- Process: Affects only the current PowerShell session.
- CurrentUser: Affects only the current user.
- LocalMachine: Default scope that affects all users of the computer.
To change and set a new execution policy for the local computer for instance:
Use Set-ExecutionPolicy to specify the RemoteSigned policy. Then enter the Scope parameter to specify the default scope value, LocalMachine.
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope LocalMachine
For more information on changing the execution policy, please visit https:/
After changing the execution policy, run C:\d4i> .\start-trex.ps1 A number of PowerShell windows will open up. Type "R" and run all scripts.
Once all scripts run, you can connect to the d4i Configuration Service UI. https://<servername/localhost>:8443